Deepali Goyal
Works with her clients in an embodied way to clearly see the subtle workings of the conditioned mind. This helps them understand and dis-entangle overwhelming emotions thereby re-patterning these parts with compassion and empathy.
Trainings/ Methodology
Presence Oriented Psychotherapy
Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS, Mumbai)/Just Being Center .Through this approach I studied interpersonal neurobiology, attachment work, somatic and energy psychology and mindfulness-based cognitive behavioural work. Some key principles of Buddhist Psychology form the base of this training and some relevant exposition to other wisdom traditions that support an understanding of a unified, interdependent sense of self.
Three year training in Trauma Resolution
Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute is a foremost recognized multidisciplinary training in the study of stress, physiology, ethology, biology, neuroscience, psychology and indigenous practices in this field. Nervous systems are unconsciously evaluating potential risk by a process called “neuroception” and when there isn’t a perception of safety a default hierarchy that the most primitive system of the brain governs (immobility, shutdown and dissociation), takes over and hijacks survival efforts. SE training offers powerful tools and techniques to release trauma through bottom-up processing.
Nirali Shah
I have studied with Nirali Shah as a core teacher. She is an expert on Buddhist Meditation and Non-Dual Tantric Teachings from Feminine Mystery Schools of the Himalayas. Nirali's work brings the transcendent (of emptiness and non-conceptual awareness) and the immanent (Elemental and the under-world) teachings of meditation into a cohesive whole without emotionally or spiritually bypassing the personal, interpersonal and systemic realities ( for e.g. inter-generational trauma, systemic oppression of race, caste, class, gender etc.).I have greatly benefitted from Nirali's guidance that has brought courage and clarity in my silent meditation practice.
Certificate Course in Mindfulness Based Counselling
This one year certification is experiential and practical, it taught me how to hold space for others with empathy. Through the process of Listening with Embodied Presence (a whole heartedness listening) we encounter ourselves deeply . Jointly certified by Just Being and St. Mira's College (affiliated to Pune University).